1. The Bible teaches that all have sinned. - Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:6

2. The Bible teaches that there is a penalty for sin. - Romans 6:23, Rev 20:14

3.  The Bible teaches that this penalty has been paid by Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:8, 1 Peter 3:18

4. The Bible teaches us that we must repent. - 2 Corinthians 7:10, Isaiah 55:7 

If God is drawing you to Himself and you have Godly sorrow for your sin, HE is ready and waiting to forgive you of your sins and abundantly pardon.

5.  The Bible teaches that we must take the initiative and accept Christ as our Savior. - John 1:12

We must actively put our faith in Jesus Christ and accept what He did on Calvary as our only means of hope for eternity.  We must turn from all other means of salvation and accept that Jesus Christ is the only Way.

6.  The Bible teaches that you can be saved today, if you want to be. - Romans 10:9, 13

Jesus loves you and wants you to experience His peace now and for eternity with Him in heaven.  God wants you to know for sure that you are forgiven of your sin.
1 John 5:13

What you must do:

1.  Admit your need (I am a sinner).

2.  Be willing to turn from your sin and any other means of salvation to Jesus Christ.

3.  Believe that Jesus died a sacrificial death on the cross in order to pay the penalty that you deserve.

4.  Pray (in your heart or out loud) to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you of your sin and place your trust in Him completely for your salvation.

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